The Economic Benefits of the Kennebec River Fishery 
Post-Edwards Dam Removal

Thesis by Jesse Lance Robbins,
 Bates College '06

This thesis details the results of an economic valuation survey administered in early January, 2006 by the author.  Surveys were sent to approximately 1,500 anglers in Maine. The survey was partially designed as an ex-post estimate of dam removal benefits as seen through the lower Kennebec River recreational fishery.  The estimates of economic benefits found from this study are compared to estimates from 1991 (Boyle et al.), which were used in the benefit-cost analysis that eventually led to the removal of the Edwards Dam in 1999.  This study has especially significant implications, since in addition to providing an ex-post estimate of benefits, the results can be used in conjunction with other dam removal discussions such as those being considered on the Penobscot River. This thesis also provides insight into anglers perceptions and opinions of the Kennebec River, now that the Edwards Dam is gone.

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Dam Removal


Edwards Dam




Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C


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